tisdag 10 mars 2009

I visited the exhibition "The Art Of Lost Words" this Friday in The German Gymnasium on Pancras Road, London. An exhibition about design, typography and illustration inspired by forgotten or retired words.

I got lost in this lovely letters, put together in to new meanings, some existing, some maybe up-coming... Just taste the words Venustation, Psithurism and Kexy and I think you will hunger for more... or I mean Famelicose (adj. often or very hungry). But I fell in love with "my" word.
A word I didn't knew excisted... but that express exactly what is my secret (not anymore!) favorite thing to do... Curious?!

DILORICATE= (v) to rip open a sewn piece of clothing

I love to diloricate if I for exemple see a little hole in a well used sheet, or in my grand mothers kitchen towel or in a sock you just had for too long... This little hole just want me to put my fingers in to it and RIP it in to two pieces....the feeling is soooooooo satisfying for me so it's almost better than an oooo.....

So I'm so happy that I have found "my" word and now I recommend you to visit this very interesting exhibition to find you own forgetten word. Take a special look at my friends pieces of art, Rama with Kexy (adj. dry, bristle, rustling as in dead leaves) and Jens with Venustation (n. the act of causing to become beautiful). Two very sexy words interpreted by two very talented persons that I hope we will see more nice works from in the near future.
Good luck, Rama and Jens in Japan!

Rama, Photographer

Jens, Graphic Designer

exhibition: The Art of Lost Words

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